Best Movies About Marcus Aurelius (A List)

Yes, we admit, we can't stop watching the Gladiator (2000) starring the mighty Russel Crowe. One of the most iconic characters in that movie was Marcus Aurelius, the guy who ran it all, the guy who knew better. We all love him I know, and there's nothing much to watch about him, yes I know. So, because of that, we know that you're looking for some more movies about Marcus Aurelius to watch. So, here's exactly that listed, just for you, enjoy your movies mortals!

3) Gladiator (2000)

Gladiator follows a former Roman general, set out to get revenge. Revenge from those who took away his rank, his family and his freedom, his life. Starring Russel Crowe, Gladiator is a drama about a man of many wars. A man once a commander, and then a slave.

We love this movie, for the colorful story, for the amazing acting and for the amazing shooting. Plus, Russel Crowe is at his best in this one, so better watch. Gladiator can be streamed on Netflix

CineMortals Rating : 9/10

2) [Honorable Mention] Roman Empire (2016)

Before we finish our list, we must add an extra. Even though we were listing the movies about our commander, it's safe to add the Netflix docudrama Roman Empire.

Roman Empire is a Netflix drama about the events and the ruling of Roman Empire at it's golden years. The show's first season, Reign Of Blood, follows the rulers and co-emperors Commodus and his father Marcus Aurelius. Roman Empire can be streamed on Netflix

CineMortals Rating : 6/10

1) The Fall Of Roman Empire (1964)

When Marcus Aurelius, one of the greatest minds of Roman Empire dies (actually, gets poisoned) his beloved son (actually, the one poisoned him) Commodus claims the throne and doesn't stop at any cost. A brutal drama about Marcus Aurelius.

The Fall Of Roman Empire is one of our favourite movies when it comes to showing the brutality in a joyful way. Just kidding, there's a lot of blood, and there's a lot of feasts. That's Rome baby! Jokes aside, this movie is really, really well made considering the date, and of course the technology. The Fall Of Roman Empire can be streamed on Amazon Prime

 CineMortals Rating : 7/10

Have something to add? Send us a comment down below. We would love to hear them, and possibly add them in this list, let's make this list longer!


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