A Cinderella Story: Christmas Wish (2019) Movie Review

This Is A Movie, It Seems

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Honestly, I lost count on this movies. How many are there really? Anyways, as the title says, this is a cinderella story, not so different then her other stories. "A Cinderalla Story : Christmas Wish" follows our teen, who is subject of an interior abuse in her family, well, step family. If you know Cinderella's story, then you might as well just know what exactly will happen in the end without really watching it, at all. The movie has some positives, yet a lot of negatives. So in this review, the positives will get paragraphs of their own, while the negatives will be in a one long paragraph or two.

First of all, the original soundtracks, close to original soundtracks at least, they were pretty good. Yes they were just about 2 verse, repeating itself. Yes they were all auto-tuned, and real badly performed, like seriously, just move your mouth people! Yet still, using originals is always good, so I'll give them credit for it. Book a playback class with the credit given, please.

The brightness left me uncertain in the first 20 minutes or so. Some scenes were actually a little dark for me, where some scenes were over-lit. But in general, it was balanced I would say. I love bright movies anyway, but it was also OK for general viewer, well done. Well, that was it. These were the two things they managed to be good at, brightness and soundtracks, which means it's not a good movie by the look of it until now. Good setup is just good setup, not a sign for messiah.

So what did they fail at? First of all, the story is designed to be a cliche,yes. But that doesn't justify it being repetitive. It's constantly on the girl getting bullied, guy getting rich-sick. The story doesn't expand in any sort, and not only that, it also is going backwards. Character development doesn't exists as well, and also, the characters are a bit lunatic if you ask me. Not only the steps designed to be evil no, but also the leading roles. There are so many things that drives you crazy in this romantic comedy. Our Cinderella is doing every job her evil steps give her, would make sense in the original cinderella story, but does it in this one, in the world of 2019? Why don't you just sue them, or at least file a complaint to police for heaven's sake? If you already know they won't give you a penny, why don't you just move out, share the rent with your friend or something? You could afford it, 55 bucks a day is not that bad miss. And lastly, if your step mother burns your invitation, which is clearly made from paper, nothing else, since a line in the movie indicates it feels and smells like money, then just print it out again. Or, go ask for another one. What? They have billions but they print just the amount? And our prince charming of that famous family of billion bucks, what is his problem? He can't recognize the girl he clearly has a crush on, because she was wearing a wig? So with this logic, he couldn't recognize his father if he had a haircut or something? And by the way, if he is a music producer, and if he thinks her voice is the best voice on earth, shouldn't he like... produce her instead of telling her "I don't know if you will become a famous singer" nonsense? I don't know but clearly our characters are either a bit dumb, or slightly lunatic. Which just wasn't the case in original fairy tale, well at least not in the version I know.

The movie is too long. Look, it's just a fairy tale, we all know what will happen anyway, we watch it to see a different road to reach the rainbow. If you are not gonna change anything on the road, why such a long road? It would be more easy to watch if it was nothing more than 60 minutes if you ask me. Even though it has to be this way for them.

The movie is way past predictable, it is beyond predictions, since it literally was made as a prediction to future cinderella movies. The movie is story driven, yet even with the push of story, movie is going nowhere. It feels like everything and everyone was forced to rush the story to it's ending, the predicted, everyone lives happy ever after bit. In the process though, none of the characters except for 3 ever grow up, they're bunch of faces but nothing more.

Then let's go for the last wish. I wish there was at least a decent attempt to make it slightly different than any other cinderella story. Just because the songs are different doesn't mean it's a revolution. The movie "A Cinderella Story : Christmas Wish" goes in my record book for 1 title, the worst playback performance in a movie in 10's. Other than that, nothing of interest, it's the type of movie you watch when you can't find anything else on TV, on Tv...

Cinemortals Rating : 3/10
Reviewed By : Batuhan


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