Just Go With It (2011) Movie Review

No Surprises Here

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I am going to start my review by pointing out that I was truly curious when I saw Kidman in the cast. To be honest, I actually thought for a second that Adam Sandler was going to do a movie, which is not an Adam Sandler type of movie. Yet, that was not the case. "Just Go With It" is clearly a Sandler movie, which wasn't that much different than any other Sandler movie. Is that good or bad? Well, your call.

The movie has a basic plot we all know, guy asks for a woman to be a stand-in for him to be with the pretty girl, therefore to be the happiest man. Pretty familiar right? Well the movie is basicly that, plus the jokes, the Sandler jokes. A quick pause here. To be perfectly clear, I just can't enjoy Adam Sandler movies at all. I find some of them offending, most of them meaningless,yet however, any of them funny. But that's of course a personal,general opinion and have no direct connection to this spefic movie's review.

So the movie... First of all, the movie has a plot I would call lazy. The story doesn't develop until the last bits, it just circles arround with very similiar situations over and over, which makes the movie seem longer than it is. Characters are not so twisted either, they're taking their steps slowly, taking their time to grow up. The story is not as complicated as they think it is. Not many surprises in it. You can pretty much guess every scene, maybe every line even, if you're experienced on Sandler's. Other than that, it's personally not really a funny movie for me,and for sure, not really romantic.

Technically, it's not a top star or an award hunter. But it's not poorly directed or terribly designed either. It's very well lit, as bright as it gets. Soundtracks are not enough, but you don't feel the lack of soundtrack, you mostly feel bored because of the plot instead. Shooting is pretty decent on this one.

So the decision; it's a pretty direct movie, with a lazy plot that's going nowhere, and make sure you don't go anywhere far either. It doesn't force you to 'not finish it', yet it doesn't offer anything for you to finish it either. As I said, another one of Adam Sandler copy movies, just go with it.

Cinemortals Rating : 4/10
Reviewed By : Batuhan


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