Brittany Runs A Marathon (2019) Movie Review

 Brittany, even though she doesn't like herself, is everyone's best friend. Everyone's "girl" if you may. She doesn't really care about her weight but she also is not that comfortable living a rather unhealthy life. With all the daydrinking, partying and most of all, toxic friends, she is mostly alone in the life, against all the judgements. Her so called best friend, Gretchen, is really, hard to like. She is a lost cause in all meanings you see. Then one day, when she was crying out loud, really loud indeed, her neighbour, Catherine (Michaela Watkins) hears her, not so surprisingly, and offers a helping hand, offering her to join their running group. Brittany (Jillian Bell) of course, rejects. But in the end, she doesn't have much money to think of something else like a gym, so she decides to try running a block. Then, after her glorious victory, she makes up her mind and sets a new goal for herself, running New York City Marathon. Though, with such a toxic bubble of friends arround her, and with such a unhealthy way of living, she struggles a lot. So, she starts changing her life. In the movie, we see her journey and her change in training of the marathon. Inspired by a true story, Britanny Runs A Marathon is under Cinemortal's scope today. 

The movie is interesting in a lot of ways for sure. For example, it actually was shot during the New York City Marathon. The NYC Marathon allows documentary shooting every year already, but for the movies, the policy is rather strict normally. Though the production managed to get acces to shooting a movie during the marathon, and I'm glad they did. In all of the movie, marathon scenes are, except for the chanting nonsense, the best bits of the movie. Also, Jillian Bell actually did gain and lose all those pounds for the movie, considered it was worth a mention here.

Brittany, hits close to heart in this inspirational drama and for sure is a great display. Jillian Bell is a shining star as Brittany. She displays everything her character represents so well that you can even cry with Brittany, and for that, Brittany Runs A Marathon goes into our books as yet another perfect movie for Bell.

 For the side roles, can't really say I'm amazed, but that's mainly because Brittany has the spotlight literally all movie long. That might be understandable since it's an individual centered inspirational drama, but I would still like to see some character development for the other characters as well, not just the lead character. Also, there are strings left untouched, as for the relationship of Britanny and her sister. The movie felt like driving into it, but then didn't even touch that and went completely sideways, giving a lesson on fatshaming. I mean, it's completely cool, it's giving the message alright. But what's the point of taking the story all the way to the opposite end of the country, to the sister, if you're not gonna use the sister, I still don't get. But I guess it's still not a major downer for the movie, since the father-daughter relationship was actually tied to those scenes as well. 

The movie title makes it look like a movie about a runner, maybe the motivations of the runner. But actually, the marathon is just a side story for the movie. Brittany Runs A Marathon is about a woman struggling with life with some bad company. Even when you feel like you're all alone in the world, and can do nothing to change it, there's still hope. For the ones who seek, there's always a way. The movie teaches the viewer these, in a beautiful display. In the full 104 minutes, not for a second it feels like a drag. Soundtracks are a good mark for the movie just as well. There's nothing much to say about the direcor Colaizzo, loved it, and I'm pretty sure we will love more and more titles from him in the near future.

For everything it teaches us about being happy about your body, Brittany Runs A Marathon is surely a recommendation from Cinemortals. With it's inspiring, funny and sad moments, it manages to keep the attention alive. For what it's worth, I loved it, with tiny bit of complaints. Though you know, people complain mostly about what or who they love, since they always want them to be better. With this poetic chance in my hand, I would also like to say that I love you, even though I don't know you, so love yourself, since.. you know you? Man, I'm bad at this. Anyways, just watch the movie, it does a better job on these for sure.

Cinemortals Rating : 8/10
Reviewed By : Batuhan


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