Country Comfort Season One (2021) TV Series Review

A Feel-Good Comedy, But Ditch The Comedy

 "In reading order, photos belong to Netflix, Netflix, Netflix, Netflix. We do not own any of these images and we do not claim any right on them."

Howdy y'all! So, Country Comfort is a Netflix comedy show, which to be honest I never heard of before getting published, which is my fault, not because the show is just a little experiment, probably... Welcome back to CineMortals, today we're talking about Country Comfort's pretty comfortable first season, so buckle up!

Country Comfort, starring Katherine Mcphee, Eddie Cibrian, Ricardo Hurtado, Jamie Mann and bunch more, I must say pretty promising, young actors is a not so new look at an old, worn out cliche that is country comedy. The show is about the Haywood family, who lost their mother 2 years ago. (as pointed out over 10 times in the very first episode) So, when Bailey (Katherine Mcphee) stumbles into their lives in a storm because she was driving like a lunatic for the whole day in a storm because she had nowhere to go, they... just love her instantly, for some reason. Anyways, the kids love her, the father starts trusting her judgement right away and hires her. Just like that, once a singer Bailey is now a nanny. Bailey finds comfort and love in this house with Haywood kids and Beau (the father, Eddie Cibrian) and they run into a lot of tricky situations, fix them, and hug each other. That's.. yeah pretty much the whole season 1.

The sit-com uses laugh tracks, like every other country comedy before it I guess, which is not a major problem at first. But, deep down into season 1, in later episodes, it sometimes becomes too much when some people just laughs at things that are displayed as... sad. Still, not a major issue, but don't overdo it, please. Anyways, the show in general feels funny-ish. You don't laugh much, but it feels warm alright. If we consider it just a feel-good, time passing sit-com, it's a maybe. If you're looking for a decent comedy that'll just make you laugh all day long even thinking about the jokes, not for you.

So, you have some hours to spare, and are kind of in a need for a heartwarming show to make you feel good, Country Comfort is not really a bad choice. Cassidy-Bailey relationship starts weirdly instant, but then throughout the season develops more rationally and gently. It becomes a cute bond over time really. Beau's character is not so direct with a clear character development either, but slowly works towards it. Summer irritates. (Summer is Beau's girlfriend) Her character doesn't develop, at all. She doesn't like Bailey, Bailey does a whole bunch of things for her, she doesn't like Bailey still. She doesn't really like being with the kids, kids begin to like him, she still doesn't do all that. She's a stone literally, a character that doesn't grow whatsoever. The kids, could grow as the story develops, and stop saying y'all (really, at least not every 3 seconds, please, don't abuse country) but still they work well with the story. Cassidy is the center of nearly every episode, and is like a hidden lead in this story, and that just works! She reporesents the pain of their mother, she represents the youth, the kindness, and she's the one ready to move forward in most episodes, she's the most likeable. 

The story gets stuck a lot, in a single season, there are nearly duplicate episodes. In a single episode, there are duplicate feeling scenes. The story has potential, but refuses to develop. The music in this is really good, but that's expected, it's kind of a musical comedy as well considering. The shooting method in the first season is really blend. The episode lenghts are ideal, the season lenght is normal. I can say for the show in general, nothing is surprising. They kept everything simple and risk-free. Does it work? Seriously, when doesn't it?

In the end, Country Comfort is a retry of a worn out formula yes, but is it not watchable? Not really. Maybe not a comedy show in our top 20 comedy shows, but still might be good to.. you know, feel good. We will not suggest this show today, and I will leave that choice to you at this point. Just know this, it's nothing special really. It's just an effort to get profit out of a formula they knew would work, that I'm pretty sure will work again. Watch it, don't watch it, hate it, love it, doesn't matter. But I guess that's the point?

Cinemortals Rating : 4/10
Reviewed By : Batuhan


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